Transforming Plastic Waste into Comfortable Footwear for India

We’ll allow you a few comfortable moments to get on with gasps of disbelief. If you know us already, welcome back! But, if you’re new here, let us set the record straight. Yep, we’re the brand that made shoes out of recycled plastic. A whole footwear range, actually. We did this against all odds. Let us show you how!

Our Story.

We’re young and we’re passionate. The journey we’ve been on since 2017 has been both fun and challenging. Creating new footwear ranges, and experimenting with different types of recycled materials has proved one thing that there is hope for our country and our planet. After all, the solutions to global warming can be innovative while still being efficient and at Neeman’s, we continue to prove that every day. Our family is built around two core pillars: Comfort and Sustainability. We’re no strangers to snide remarks like “this will never work” and “India isn’t the market for this” but despite all critique and setbacks, Neeman’s has conquered waste, recycling, and above all, fashion, rather swiftly.

Why Transform Plastic into Shoes?

At the very top of our list of reasons behind why we upcycle plastic waste into footwear, comes our devotion to the planet. Plastic, which started out as a brilliant invention has turned into an ugly catastrophe that is eating away at our planet rapidly. The clock is ticking and species across the globe are suffering. Upcycling is the only hope. Shoes made from recycled plastic are a step (pun intended) in the right direction.

The Journey from Plastic Waste to A Comfortable Shoe

You already know the “Why”, but the “How” is just as important. Ironically enough, our “raw” materials are used and discarded PET bottles (full form: Polyethylene Terephthalate, yikes that’s a mouthful). These bottles are collected, sanitized, and run through industrial shredders to turn them into small flakes, which are further converted into chips. These are later melted at high temperatures and then cooled down to further make yarn which gets spun into 3D knitted machines, that ultimately make for a super comfortable shoe. Our recycled PET footwear ranges channel the goodness of plastic i.e. its durability. Contrary to the qualities of plastic, these shoes still offer breathability and the right amount of stretch to cater to your feet.

Our Recycled Plastic Footwear Ranges

We have three primary shoe ranges that star recycled PET bottles as their hero. First and foremost, we have our best selling ReLive Knit Sneakers made of 100% recycled plastic yarn, available in 9 vibrant and classy colors; the ReLive Knit Slip Ons, its make is the same as our ReLive Knit Sneakers minus the adjustable laces (They may be easier to put on!). Last but not least, we have our ReLive You Sneakers that are sure to keep any sneakerhead satisfied. They’re trendy, fun and available in 4 different two-toned, colour-blocked designs. All of our footwear ranges offer you 12-14 hours of comfortable wear in one go and keep you at the top of your fashion game.

Why Choose Neeman’s?

The list of reasons may be endless but for starters:

  1. We’re devoted to using materials that are not traditionally sought out by the footwear industry.
  2. We attempt and dare we say, succeed, to #ChangeTheNorm and how India wears shoes, one pair at a time.
  3. We prioritize your comfort.
  4. We aim to do good by mother nature so that our planet and all its inhabitants (even the bad guys in Bond movies) can thrive.

So, to put it simply, you should choose us because we’re good for your feet and for the planet (and the turtles?).

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“Neeman’s was created out of a craving not just to break the mold but to obliterate it: to say goodbye to average for good and demand a change in the way we wear shoes”

Neeman’s Founders